Friday, June 08, 2007

Kalamazoo Trip: Day 5

The pieces at the church are finished so today we woke up at noon and ate lunch. The other guys were watching some tattoo show and wanted to get inked today so they researched local tattoo places talked to thier respective wives and sketched out some drawings. But in the end they decided they better do it some other time cuz the tattoo place wasn't that great. Cammer and Fasm both chipped in and gave me some cash for my bus ticket and expences that was really cool of hem to do. We also were gonna check out the juvinile hall but for some reason it didn't pan out. We found annother wall to do while we were down here in a rec centre called new genesis inc. It was alot of fun to do this wall because all the walls we've been doing have been formulated, consistant and constrictive. This wall was three guys free styling pieces with the last bits of paint cutting loose on the last day. The wall came off nice. We played basketball, did card tricks and played games until late. All of us miss our significant others, Cammer probibly the most though.

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