Friday, June 22, 2007

Dear Fasm

Dear Fasm:

I don't believe it's our duty to convince secular writers to stop writing illegally, I do however, believe it is our duty to show christian brothers the scripture that supports this idea. I don't think we should accept or reject jobs based on money. It's biblical for clients to pay us but, thier lack of adhearance to the bible shouldn't deter us in anyway from spreading the gospel through Graffiti. I believe we should accept and reject things based on the ministry opportunity and the leading of God. I don't believe we are going to heaven. It doesn't say in the bible anywhere that we're going to heaven. It says that we'll be with God, it says that we're going to paradise, new Jerusalm, etc. I believe Jesus was God and God was Jesus. He was a human but God dwelt within the human body of Jesus. The same God dwells in us all to the extent that we allow him in. I don't believe in denying anyone entrance into the crew. We should strive to be inclusive not exclusive.

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