Sunday, August 06, 2006

Mexico Trip: Day 9

In the morning Threat dropped Dyle and I off in downtown San Diego. We looked at the local graffiti, went to a graffiti store, ate food, got lost, walked around, rode the trolly, got lost, rode the trolly, got lost again, walked around, took a train to Oceanside, talked about how strange america was from our home countries, tried to get any phone to work, got a haircut, saw a girl pee on the sidewalk 20 ft from a bathroom, got lost and eventually met up with Sandy who was waiting for us for a long time. It was a great adveture! His graffiti crew from New Zealand was competing that day for a world wide graff competition "write for gold". He gave up his ticket to annother guy in his crew and missed out on the finals just so he could come out and paint with the Gospel Graffiti Crew. Threat, Sandy and Dyle drove me to the airport and saw me off. I shared a room with Dyle for the last week and I'm really gonna miss him (and Threat and Sandy). I caught all my planes, slept well on the flights, got picked up at the airport, and crossed the border without complication.


Jamie A. Grant said...

Thus endeth this grand adventure?

Anonymous said...

i'm glad you had a great time in Mexico and sandiago dyle and Sandy really helped you and you were watching some girl pea on the road
What? i hope you will show pics and never missed your plane

Battle said...

that's the end. We were using the phone and there she was. I didn't get any pics of that but the rest of the week will be visually documented soon