Saturday, January 28, 2006

Painful Poetry

I'm a nerd I admit it. I write poetry and not dope raps, rymes or hooks. I write regular lame poetry, like the stuff found in old books. So, I was reading some poetry the other day and it was hard to explain how it was - it wasn't the best poetry I've ever herd, it was technically bad. As a poet I saw the technical side of things and I found that it was painfull but, a non-poet also read the same piece and said it was beautiful. So, I had to check it out again to find it's redeeming qualities and find out what this person found beautiful. While I was re-reading it I found an honest voice that told a story that I could understand and relate to (once I had taken all the poetic rules out of my head). You don't have to be a master of your craft to be used powerfully by God to deliver a message. I've been focused a bit recently on getting better at graffiti and I realize that I don't have to be great for the general public who sees my work I just have to get the message "a cross".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the thing is your already great at what you do. And i understand your point of the poetry.God doesn't look for perfect people to do great things he looks at willingness of the heart. Maybe i would be wrong. i'm proud of you you nerd poet. haha just jokiing your no nerd thats for sure. Great blog posting.Tara