Monday, July 23, 2007

Port Sydney Trip: Day 2-5

I started painting... I hung out with some people, met a fan, painted, skateborded, got stiches on my chin, got a sweater, prayed, kissed my girlfriend, played camp games, ate camp food, got a free sweater, painted, painted, painted and eventually came back home carrying 46 cans of paint on my back while I walked from London to Dorchester at 3:00 am. I prayed while I was walking asking God for the spiritual gifts that I talked about with lionheart and I began to speak in tounges for the first time. Very exciting week all in all. It was wierd meeting a fan who had a collection of pictures of my work who I've never met. People who I've met have liked my work, or strangers who are fans have contacted me and stuff but I've never stumbled accross a real fan by accident before.

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