Sunday, April 08, 2007

More on Canvas

I talked to Mike Perks (the guy at the church who's selling my paintings). He's does work in acrilic and although I haven't seen it many people say it's very good and he's very talented. I asked him why he chooses the subject matter he does and he said he'd been kinda unfocused in painting that he felt unmotivated and nervous when painting. I told him about my painting experience the day before when I went to the alley how the butterflies in my stomac were buzzing and although I knew what I was going to paint I still felt unsure if it would turn out. He felt the same way. I told him about what I do and why I do it. I said when I paint I think of the people who are going to be looking at it. A canvas I'm donating to the church is for a christian to look at and be encouraged but a mural at the bar has a very salvitic element.

The down-trodden look melted from Mike's face and an uplifting smile peeked out. "of course, of course! How could I have missed it? What do I want my art to say!? You don't know how much of a difference this makes. It's so simple, how could I have missed it?" I could see it in his face now, power, leadership, focus. He had changed his whole outlook on art and, for an artist that's big.

1 comment:

Jamie A. Grant said...

I love it. You receive, and you give. You let people speak into your life, and you also speak into the lives of others.
